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Welcome to Gulnar's Passage to India
You may have been transported here from our first site or you may have come here on your own.

Either way let me introduce myself.

I Am Mohammad Saleh, the owner of Gulnar's Passage to India, in Leith, Edinburgh ... the finest Indian Restaurant in Scotland.

This page is an extension of our first home at and is really a photo album.

So come and and enjoy our visual delights and you can call us to arrange to taste our culinary delights.

Thank you for visiting.

Background to the photo album
Gulnar's Passage to India has, in 12 years, become one of the best Indian Restaurants in the UK and the number one in Scotland. As well as original food, we have belly dancers every Saturday.

Edinburgh is home to the world-famous Festival and every year there is a parade to mark the start of the event.

All the pictures on the following pages are taken from the day of this year's parade, and show some of our dancers practising, as well as dancing.

I don't dance, but I do play various instruments!

Ready to rock
These are some of the dancers who graced our float in this year's parade

Edinburgh Festival Cavalcade 2002

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